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Science of Peace

August 16th, 2017 by Erica Killer

“The Science of Peace, were it to become a special discipline, would be the most noble of all, for the very life of humanity depends on it. So, also perhaps, does the question of whether our entire civilization evolves or disappears.”

— Dr. Maria Montessori
Address to the League of Nations, Geneva, Switzerland, 1932 


I was so saddened by the images that came out of Charlottesville last weekend. I believe this is an appropriate time to reflect on who we are as a community. Our school mission talks of “living our diversity” but what is the expectation regarding this phrase? At MSGH, respect drives all of our interactions – with children and with adults just as the welfare and education of our students drives all decision-making.

Our children need to feel emotionally and physically safe and we do not tolerate discrimination in any form. We accept the differences among us and as members of this community, we support each whenever possible.

At a time when hate-filled people feel empowered to openly express their bigotry, it is comforting to know that, as a community, we are dedicated to raising the next generation to be ambassadors for peace.


MSGH Interim Head Of School